Vol 11 No 3 (2007)

Published: 2007-09-30


Numerical optimization of helicopter rotor blade design for active twist control

Andrejs Kovalovs, Evgeny Barkanov, Sergejs Gluhihs
Abstract 514 | PDF Downloads 361 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/16487788.2007.9635962

Page 3-9

Lateral movement control algorithms for general aviation planes

Bogusław Dolega, Tomasz Rogalski
Abstract 486 | PDF Downloads 321 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/16487788.2007.9635963

Page 10-15

Dynamics of plate with polymeric coating

Petras Baradokas, Leonidas Syrus, Edvard Michnevic
Abstract 400 | PDF Downloads 369 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/16487788.2007.9635964

Page 16-20

Acoustic method of airport fog precipitation

Henryka Czyz, Tadeusz Markowski
Abstract 481 | PDF Downloads 320 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/16487788.2007.9635966

Page 26-30

Rough pilot decision‐support algorithm

Jan Gruszecki, Fatina Liliana Basmadji
Abstract 471 | PDF Downloads 422 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/16487788.2007.9635967

Page 31-36