Vol 5 No 5 (1999)
Published: 1999-10-31
The method NNM and its application in a sozoeconomic analysis of the process realization within a cycle of a building structure/Skaitmeninio tinklo modeliavimo (STM) metodas ir jo taikymas socoekonominei statybos objekto realizayimo analizei
Abstract 392 | PDF Downloads 389 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13921525.1999.10531480
Page 302-311
The features of cinema hall acoustics upon installation of the dolby sound recording system/Kino teatro akustikos ypatumai, įrengus “dolby” įgarsinimo sistemą
Abstract 477 | PDF Downloads 350 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13921525.1999.10531481
Page 312-317
Methodology of the primary data reconstruction of single pipe heating systems/Vienvamzdžių šildymo sistemų pirminių duomenų nustatymo metodika
Abstract 554 | PDF Downloads 343 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13921525.1999.10531482
Page 318-322
Multisurface plasticity models under yielding conditions/Multisurface-plastizitäts-modelle mit zusammengesetzten fliessbedingungen
Abstract 417 | PDF Downloads 353 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13921525.1999.10531484
Page 329-334
Limit analysis of reinforced concrete cross-sections under cyclic loadings/Ciklinės apkrovos veikiamų gelžbetoninių elementų stiprumo nustatymas
Abstract 470 | PDF Downloads 340 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13921525.1999.10531485
Page 335-339
Fire testing of the building facade insulated with foam polystyrene/Putų polistirenu apšiltintų fasado fragmentų gaisriniai bandymai
Abstract 462 | PDF Downloads 372 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13921525.1999.10531486
Page 340-346