
Airport service quality: a reconceptualization and a practical application on the non-aeronautical services

    Cagri Bulut Affiliation
    ; Sefer Aydogan Affiliation


In line with the advancing airway capability, the non-aeronautical business opportunities at airports are also in growth. To attract more passengers or to generate extra income over non-aeronautical services, the airport decision-makers need to evaluate the quality of their services. This study aims at introducing an expanded approach to improve airport service quality aspects of the non-aeronautical business opportunities. Given the increasing number of airports, passengers prefer airports, which provide better or extra services compared to others. To reveal the airport service quality (ASQ) aspects, together with the quality department experts, we conducted a qualitative study that put forward six significant dimensions for an effective evaluation of airport service quality at an airport. Based on the results of the qualitative study, we designed the sector-specific questionnaire, and its empirical data is conducted over 250 passengers through a face-toface survey. Survey results introduce a practical assessment tool for the use of airport managers to gather strategic inputs on their strategic plans and quality implications. Results also contribute to the literature by presenting a comprehensive understanding of the airport service quality.

Keyword : service marketing, service practice, service quality and testing, airport services, airport service quality

How to Cite
Bulut, C., & Aydogan, S. (2020). Airport service quality: a reconceptualization and a practical application on the non-aeronautical services. Aviation, 24(4), 182-196.
Published in Issue
Dec 21, 2020
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