
Modelling a quantitative assessment method of pilots’ performance in evidence-based training

    Zarif Zabirov   Affiliation
    ; Anvar Zabirov   Affiliation
    ; Vladimir Shestakov   Affiliation


With the improvement in reliability of modern aircraft systems, an increase in their complexity led to the fact that failures became non-standard and problematic to predict. As a result, IATA guided the development of Evidence-Based Training (EBT), which is an innovative approach to the training and assessment of pilots’ competencies based on the evidence obtained from their performance. Yet, operators planning to use this framework should develop line-oriented scenarios based on EBT methodology and a grading system for a clear assessment. In this paper, a method for modelling a quantitative assessment and grading of pilots’ performance is proposed. The method may be used as part of an EBT assessment programme due to its adaptability to different grading strategies according to quantifiable error criteria, the number of occurrences during the evaluation, and prior data on the distribution of pilots by their competency levels.

Keyword : evidence-based training, pilot assessment, core competencies, grading system, error criteria, flight occurrences

How to Cite
Zabirov, Z., Zabirov, A., & Shestakov, V. (2022). Modelling a quantitative assessment method of pilots’ performance in evidence-based training. Aviation, 26(4), 217–223.
Published in Issue
Nov 30, 2022
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