
The impact of market orientation on marketing performance: exploring the moderating role of competitive advantage


This research analyses the influence of market orientation and competitive advantage on MSMEs’ marketing performance, with competitive advantage as a moderating variable. The research methodology employs path analysis using Smart PLS software version 4.0 and involves 397 MSME owners in Jambi City, Jambi Province, Indonesia. The analysis results indicate that market orientation and competitive advantage significantly influence MSME marketing performance. Additionally, competitive advantage moderates, strengthening the relationship between market orientation and marketing performance. These findings have practical implications for MSME owners, suggesting that focusing on developing market orientation and competitive advantage can enhance their marketing performance. Furthermore, this study contributes to the theoretical understanding of factors influencing MSMEs marketing performance and encourages further research on elements that most impact competitive advantage. It also provides recommendations for policymakers to support enhancing MSME marketing performance through various supportive policies. However, this research has limitations, such as the lack of specific elements of market orientation with significant impacts and a need to better understand the moderation mechanism between market orientation and marketing performance through competitive advantage, which could be subjects of future research.

Keyword : market orientation, competitive advantage, marketing performance, MSMEs

How to Cite
Dahmiri, D., Junaidi, J., Johannes, J., Yacob, S., & Indrawijaya, S. (2024). The impact of market orientation on marketing performance: exploring the moderating role of competitive advantage. Business: Theory and Practice, 25(1), 164–174.
Published in Issue
Mar 18, 2024
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