
Mapping of organizational democracy: a bibliometric study


Social, economic and political developments in the globalising world have necessitated a re-examination of the concept of democracy. The concept of organisational democracy is a process that expresses the inclusion of individuals in the management processes of organisations and allows freedom of expression in organisations. In this study, it is aimed to reveal at which stage the concept of organisational democracy is included in the international literature. In this context, it is desired to evaluate the development stages of the concept in terms of literature and to set an example for future studies by filling the gaps in the literature.  In line with the main purpose, 99 publications related to the concept of “organisational democracy” between 1990 and 2023 in the Scopus database were analysed using R Studio and VOSviewer softwares. The analyses were evaluated by considering the studies conducted in the fields of “Social Sciences”, “Business, Management and Accounting” between 1990 and 2023. The concept of organisational democracy is often associated with concepts such as participation, hierarchy, employee participation organizational culture, organizational commitment and communication. As a result, it has been determined that organisational democracy plays a role in the satisfaction of internal stakeholders.

Keyword : organizational democracy, workplace democracy, participation, bibliometric analysis, R Studio

How to Cite
Kodalak, O., Erdirençelebi, M., & Akman, A. Z. (2024). Mapping of organizational democracy: a bibliometric study. Business: Theory and Practice, 25(1), 175–189.
Published in Issue
Mar 20, 2024
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