
The aims and trends of the sustainable land tenure formation in Ukraine: the spatial aspect

    Mykola Malashevskyi   Affiliation
    ; Olena Malashevska   Affiliation


The spatial aspect of the challenge of the sustainable land tenure formation has been scrutinized in the article. There is a set of unresolved issues at the point where interests of land owners, land users and the government clash, that witnesses the absence of effective mechanisms of the formed land tenure system improvement. At the transition to the market relations, with the private land property environment, new effective approaches to land redistribution and rational land use support are necessary. The research objective is the development of a complex approach to the land tenure   spatial improvement for the sustainable development. Substantiation is carried out for the transition economy with Ukraine as an example. Land redistribution aiming at urban settlement area optimization and agricultural land tenure in the context of the social environment and economic benefit has been substantiated. The effectiveness of the spatial land improvement in the context of the national and local budget land fee revenues has been substantiated. 

Keyword : land tenure, sustainable development, land improvement, land reallotment, land reform, land taxation, land consolidation

How to Cite
Malashevskyi, M., & Malashevska, O. (2021). The aims and trends of the sustainable land tenure formation in Ukraine: the spatial aspect. Geodesy and Cartography, 47(3), 131-138.
Published in Issue
Nov 9, 2021
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