
Customer concentration and exploratory innovation: the mediating effect of perceived performance-reducing threats

    Wanxiao Zhao Affiliation
    ; Chengyuan Wang Affiliation
    ; Liang Wan Affiliation
    ; Qiong Wang Affiliation
    ; Biao Luo Affiliation


A great deal of research attention has been devoted to studying the effects of customer concentration on firm strategic acts. Scholars have also investigated the relationship between customer concentration and firm innovation, but concluded inconsistent findings of such relationship. Furthermore, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. To address these concerns, this study decouples exploratory innovation from firm innovation and introduce performance-reducing threats perceived by the executives as the mediator. Based on the observations of China high-tech listed firms from 2011 to 2018, empirical results show that customer concentration has a U-shaped relationship with exploratory innovation, via the mediating effect of performance-reducing threats perceived by the executives.

Keyword : customer concentration, exploratory innovation, performance-reducing threats, executives’ perceptions, high-tech companies, strategic acts, mediating effect

How to Cite
Zhao, W., Wang, C., Wan, L., Wang, Q., & Luo, B. (2021). Customer concentration and exploratory innovation: the mediating effect of perceived performance-reducing threats. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 22(4), 940-957.
Published in Issue
Jun 15, 2021
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