
Improving prediction accuracy of open shop scheduling problems using hybrid artificial neural network and genetic algorithm

    Mohammad Reza Komari Alaei Affiliation
    ; Reza Rostamzadeh Affiliation
    ; Kadir Albayrak Affiliation
    ; Zenonas Turskis Affiliation
    ; Jonas Šaparauskas Affiliation


Scheduling issues are typically classified as constrained optimization problems that examine the allocation of machines and the sequence in which tasks are processed. Regarding the existence of one machine, identification of works processing sequence forms a complete time schedule. Therefore, following a review of previous works, the goal of the present study is designing a mathematical model for open shop scheduling (OSS) problems using different machines aiming at minimizing the maximum time required to complete the works using an artificial neural network (ANN) and genetic algorithm (GA). The research data were driven from a Shoe company carried out between the years 2019 and 2020. The GA and ANN methodologies were employed to analyze and forecast the scheduling of activities within the shoe manufacturing sector. The findings indicated that the probability associated with the third population of the GA was 0.15. Furthermore, an examination of the average values of standard error revealed that the neural network model outperformed in terms of predictive accuracy. The estimated minimum time necessary for task completion, as determined by the neural network, was calculated to be 0.96699, facilitating an optimal condition for meeting the established objectives.

Keyword : open shop scheduling (OSS), different work stations, single machine problems, resource assignment, efficient production, artificial neural network (ANN), genetic algorithm (GA)

How to Cite
Komari Alaei, M. R., Rostamzadeh, R., Albayrak, K., Turskis, Z., & Šaparauskas, J. (2024). Improving prediction accuracy of open shop scheduling problems using hybrid artificial neural network and genetic algorithm. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 25(5), 892–920.
Published in Issue
Sep 27, 2024
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