
Employer Brand of Choice: an employee perspective

    Victoria Bellou Affiliation
    ; Ioannis Chaniotakis Affiliation
    ; Ioannis Kehagias Affiliation
    ; Irini Rigopoulou Affiliation


This study seeks to contribute in the field of the ideal employer, by determining the Employer Brand of Choice and its core components. In doing so, a pilot study was initially conducted to delineate these components. Evidence from 896 working adults that participated in a field study support the multi-dimensionality of the construct Employer Brand of choice, highlighting the role of “Remuneration”, “Relationships”, “Opportunities for Self Development”, “Recognition”, and “Corporate Image”. These findings not only offer a concrete and holistic theoretical base of Employer Brand of Choice, but they can also serve as a managerial guide towards enhancing companies’ ability to attract, retain and motivate talented individuals.

Keyword : Employer Brand, Employer Brand of Choice, Employer of Choice, organisational identity, psychological contract, organisational attractiveness

How to Cite
Bellou, V., Chaniotakis, I., Kehagias, I., & Rigopoulou, I. (2015). Employer Brand of Choice: an employee perspective. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 16(6), 1201-1215.
Published in Issue
Dec 24, 2015
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