
Multi-objective green design model based on costs, CO2 emissions and serviceability for high-rise buildings with a mega-structure system

    Jewoo Choi Affiliation
    ; Seung Hyeong Lee Affiliation
    ; Taehoon Hong Affiliation
    ; Dong-Eun Lee Affiliation
    ; Hyo Seon Park Affiliation


In light of growing environmental concerns, the reduction of CO2 emissions is increasingly vital. Particularly in the construction industry, a major contributor to global carbon emissions, addressing this issue is critical for environmental sustainability and mitigating the accelerating impacts of climate change. This study proposes the Optimal Green Design Model for Mega Structures (OGDMM) to optimise CO2 emissions, cost-effectiveness, and serviceability in highrise buildings with mega structures. The OGDMM examines the impact of each material and structural design of main members on these three critical aspects. Analytical results for high-rise buildings (120–200 m, slenderness ratio: 2.0–8.0) demonstrate that OGDMM can reduce CO2 emissions and costs by an average of 4.67% and 3.97%, respectively, without compromising serviceability. To ensure comprehensive evaluation, this study introduces five new evaluation indicators encompassing environmental, economic, and serviceability performances of high-rise buildings. Based on these criteria, optimised structural designs for high-rise buildings are classified into four categories according to slenderness ratio, leading to the formulation of corresponding design guidelines. The model’s applicability is further validated through its application to a 270-m-tall high-rise building in Korea, showing reductions in CO2 emissions and costs by 8.99% and 18.50%, respectively, while maintaining structural serviceability.

Keyword : structural optimisation, green design, high-rise building, mega-structure system, serviceability

How to Cite
Choi, J., Lee, S. H., Hong, T., Lee, D.-E., & Park, H. S. (2024). Multi-objective green design model based on costs, CO2 emissions and serviceability for high-rise buildings with a mega-structure system. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 30(4), 354–372.
Published in Issue
May 17, 2024
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