
Quality and reliability of IFC/BIM models for public educational facilities construction projects via clash detection

    Michał Juszczyk Affiliation
    ; Mantas Vaišnoras Affiliation
    ; Robertas Kontrimovičius Affiliation
    ; Tomáš Hanák Affiliation
    ; Hanna Łukaszewska Affiliation
    ; Leonas Ustinovichius Affiliation


This study investigates the reliability of monodiscipline IFC/BIM models in public construction projects of educational facilities through advanced clash detection and quantitative analysis. Data were collected from BIM models of two kindergartens and a school in Vilnius, Lithuania, representing different design disciplines. A mixed-methods approach was employed to analyse the number, types, and geometric characteristics of detected clashes. The research introduces innovative metrics, such as the Relative Quality Coefficient (RQC), Relative Uncertainty Coefficient (RUC), and Modified Relative Quality Coefficient (MRQC), to assess model quality and reliability quantitatively. The findings reveal a direct relationship between model complexity, clash detection precision, and the number of identified clashes, underscoring the importance of enhanced quality control measures in IFC/BIM models for public procurement. The study concludes that the implementation of these novel metrics can enhance the reliability of IFC/BIM models, thereby optimizing the design and construction process.

Keyword : IFC/BIM monodiscipline models, quality and reliability, building information modelling, clash detection, educational facilities, industry foundation classes, public construction projects

How to Cite
Juszczyk, M., Vaišnoras M., Kontrimovičius, R., Hanák, T., Łukaszewska, H., & Ustinovichius, L. (2025). Quality and reliability of IFC/BIM models for public educational facilities construction projects via clash detection. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 31(1), 1–19.
Published in Issue
Jan 20, 2025
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