
Gender equality index of the autonomous communities of Spain: a multidimensional analysis

    Anna María Gil-Lafuente Affiliation
    ; Agustín Torres-Martinez Affiliation
    ; Luis Amiguet-Molina Affiliation
    ; Sefa Boria-Reverter Affiliation


The main aim of this document is to establish a diagnosis of inequality between men and women in the autonomous communities of Spain. This study proposes a multidimensional methodology composed of 25 variables and classifies them in four dimensions: education, labor market, social conditions, and empowerment, using the subjective preference model to determine the weight of each variable. Then the four dimensions are added with equal weight to obtain a general indicator for each of the autonomous communities. Therefore, this study presents an adequate diagnosis that allows comparing the gender gap for each of the autonomous communities in any of the different issues raised: both in every dimension and at a general level. The final goal is to establish a methodological reference framework to estimate how gender equality benefits the regional economy. This estimation will be done in our next research.

First published online 3 June 2019

Keyword : gender equality, gender gap, multidimensional analysis

How to Cite
Gil-Lafuente, A. M., Torres-Martinez, A., Amiguet-Molina, L., & Boria-Reverter, S. (2019). Gender equality index of the autonomous communities of Spain: a multidimensional analysis. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 25(5), 915-933.
Published in Issue
Jun 3, 2019
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