
An integrated Fuzzy AHP and ARAS model to evaluate mobile banking services

    Fatih Ecer Affiliation


Mobile banking (M-banking) which integrates software, hardware, and human is a new platform for banks. Determining the performance of M-banking services helps bank practitioners identify better policy to improve their positions. The aim of this study is to develop an integrated model for evaluating M-banking services by two methods, namely the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) with an extent analysis approach and ARAS (Additive Ratio ASsessment). In this study, the priority weights obtained through the FAHP are combined with the ARAS method to as­sess and rank the M-banking services. Moreover, in order to verify the applicability of this proposed model, a case study in Turkey is offered. The findings indicate that facilitating conditions play the most determining role in the adoption of the M-banking, followed by self-efficacy, privacy risk, and security risk. Consequently, the proposed model helps to overcome difficulties in M-banking service evaluation process and increases the efficiency of the M-banking service activities. Besides, the case study validates that the proposed model is an effective and efficient decision making tool for the evaluation of M-banking services under fuzzy environments.

First published online: 23 Apr 2017

Keyword : M-banking services, M-banking adoption, Fuzzy AHP, ARAS

How to Cite
Ecer, F. (2018). An integrated Fuzzy AHP and ARAS model to evaluate mobile banking services. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(2), 670–695.
Published in Issue
Mar 20, 2018
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