
Prioritization of the launch of ICT products and services through linguistic multi-criteria decision-making

    Andr´es Cid-López Affiliation
    ; Miguel J. Hornos Affiliation
    ; Ram´on A. Carrasco-Gónzález Affiliation
    ; Enrique Herrera-Viedma Affiliation


The market launch of new products and services is a basic pillar for large and medium-sized companies in the ICT (Information and Communications Technology) sector. Choosing the right moment for it is usually a differentiating factor in terms of competition, since it is a source of competitive advantage. There are several mechanisms and strategies to address this problem from the market perspective. However, the criteria of the different actors involved – managers, sales representatives, experts, etc. – coexist in the corporate sphere and they often differ, causing difficulties in priority setting processes in the launch of a product or service. The assessment of the prioritization of these criteria is usually expressed in natural language, thus adding a great deal of uncertainty. Fuzzy linguistic models have proved to be an efficient tool for managing the intrinsic uncertainty of this type of information. This paper presents a linguistic multi-criteria decision-making model, able to reconcile the different requirements and viewpoints existing in the corporate sector when planning the launch of new products and services. The proposed model is based on the fuzzy 2-tuple linguistic model, aimed at managing linguistic data expressing different corporate criteria, without compromising accuracy in the calculation of said data. In order to illustrate this, a practical case study is presented, in which the model is applied for scheduling the launch prioritization of several new products and services by a telecommunications company, within the deadlines set in its strategic planning.

Keyword : strategic planning, linguistic multi-criteria decision-making, 2-tuple representation, launch of products/services, project prioritization, ICT sector

How to Cite
Cid-López, A., Hornos, M. J., Carrasco-Gónzález, R. A., & Herrera-Viedma, E. (2018). Prioritization of the launch of ICT products and services through linguistic multi-criteria decision-making. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(3), 1231-1257.
Published in Issue
May 31, 2018
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