
A new hybrid fuzzy PSI-PIPRECIA-CoCoSo MCDM based approach to solving the transportation company selection problem

    Alptekin Ulutaş Affiliation
    ; Gabrijela Popovic Affiliation
    ; Pavle Radanov Affiliation
    ; Dragisa Stanujkic Affiliation
    ; Darjan Karabasevic Affiliation


Nowadays, customers are not only interested in the quality of products, but they also want to have these products in a timely manner. The managers of an organization are faced with two problems when the distribution of products is in question, namely: (1) customers are usually geographically dispersed and (2) transportation should be performed in a cost-effective way. Although managers may have a significant experience and formal knowledge, decisions connected with the selection of an appropriate transportation company may very often be biased. For the purpose of avoiding making the inadequate decisions that might harm the operation of the organization, the application of a hybrid MCDM model is proposed in this paper. The proposed model consists of three fuzzy MCDM methods, including: the PIPRECIA, the PSI, and the CoCoSo methods. The fuzzy-PIPRECIA method is used to achieve the subjective weights of criteria, whereas the fuzzy-PSI method is used to obtain the objective weights of criteria. Fuzzy-CoCoSo is utilized to rank alternative transportation companies according to their performances. The possibilities of the proposed hybrid model are tested on a real case study pointed at the selection of an appropriate company for the transportation of ready-garments to retailers in Turkey.

First published online 07 July 2021

Keyword : MCDM, fuzzy PIPRECIA method, fuzzy PSI method, fuzzy CoCoSo method, hybrid model, transportation company selection

How to Cite
Ulutaş, A., Popovic, G., Radanov, P., Stanujkic, D., & Karabasevic, D. (2021). A new hybrid fuzzy PSI-PIPRECIA-CoCoSo MCDM based approach to solving the transportation company selection problem. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 27(5), 1227-1249.
Published in Issue
Aug 31, 2021
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