
Open innovation: a research framework and case study of Huawei

    Bo Li Affiliation
    ; Zeshui Xu Affiliation
    ; Hangyao Wu Affiliation
    ; Nan Hong Affiliation
    ; Marinko Skare Affiliation


Open innovation (OI) has received significant attention from practices and theories over the past decades. This paper investigates the role of OI and personalized patterns in firms at home and abroad, and then measures the risks involved. Firstly, this paper reviews the definition of OI, the business model innovation characteristics, and the facing problems in practice. Based on the existing literature, we illustrate the openness and challenges of business OI. By introducing bibliometrics, this paper presents a whole research framework. Based on keywords cooccurrence analysis and clustering analysis, we locate the current research hotspots and potential research opportunities from a comprehensive perspective. According to the analysis results, five clusters are obtained, including resource management and value creation; collective innovation and form sustainability; innovation management, intellectual property management, and crossborder cooperation; knowledge management and knowledge sharing; innovation ecosystem, big data, and policy-level innovation. Taking Huawei as an example, its typical business OI model is studied from the perspectives of organizational, project-related, marketing and consumer-based, and summaries the facing challenges and risks. We illustrate its financial performance, innovation performance, and development prospects. We found that, during the implementation of OI practical activities and theoretical exploration, the risks and opportunities facing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are multiple dimensional.

Keyword : open innovation, bibliometrics, co-occurrence analysis, clustering, business model risks

How to Cite
Li, B., Xu, Z., Wu, H., Hong, N., & Skare, M. (2023). Open innovation: a research framework and case study of Huawei. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 29(1), 278–306.
Published in Issue
Jan 27, 2023
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