
The moderating role of organizational support on the relationship between green supply chain practices, governance and sustainable economic performance: evidence from China

    YunQian Zhang Affiliation


Recently, sustainable economic performance (SEP) has been the foremost requirement due to uncertainty of the economy and environment. This issue needs best practices and governance and also needs researchers’ focus. Thereby, the paper aims to assess green supply chain (SC) practices, green SC governance and their role in the achievement of SEP in the manufacturing sector of China. The paper also attempts to explore the moderating effect of organizational support in proposed framework. PLS-SEM model was employed to test model’s reliability and validity. The very same method has applied to test the linkage among outlined constructs. Obtained results confirms the moderating impact of organizational support among traditional governance, relational governance and the achievement of SEP in the manufacturing industry in China. This article provides guidelines to the regulators in developing policies related to the achievement of SEP using green SC practices and governance.

Keyword : green purchases, internal environmental management, green supply chain governance, traditional governance, relational governance, sustainable economic performance

How to Cite
Zhang, Y. (2024). The moderating role of organizational support on the relationship between green supply chain practices, governance and sustainable economic performance: evidence from China. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 30(1), 238–260.
Published in Issue
Feb 23, 2024
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