
The residence plot selection model for family house in Vilnius by neutrosophic WASPAS method

    Romualdas Baušys   Affiliation
    ; Birutė Juodagalvienė Affiliation
    ; Rytė Žiūrienė   Affiliation
    ; Ina Pankrašovaitė   Affiliation
    ; Juozas Kamarauskas Affiliation
    ; Ana Usovaitė Affiliation
    ; Dovydas Gaižauskas   Affiliation


Good quality dwelling and the environment are related to the values of citizens’ existence. It can be highlighted as important questions in creating a sustainable living environment. The research and analysis carried out so far include global planning of the plot of a particular country or city according to economic aspects. Meanwhile, our model, which covers the key social aspects of choosing a residential house, will fill this gap. We propose an original problem formulated which includes the planning of the plot of a particular city according to economic, environmental and social aspects. Our work aims to investigate the criteria for the selection of single-family houses and to develop a theoretical evaluation model based on decision-making methods. The presented study deals with the problem of selecting a one-family house plot using the Weighted Aggregate Sum Product Assessment Methods (WASPAS) and the Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis Method (SWARA). During the research, parameters related to plot selection were evaluated: infrastructure, distance, cost, privacy, security and aesthetic view.

First published online 17 March 2020

Keyword : residence plot, infrastructure, MCDM, SWARA, WASPAS, neutrosophic set

How to Cite
Baušys, R., Juodagalvienė, B., Žiūrienė, R., Pankrašovaitė, I., Kamarauskas, J., Usovaitė, A., & Gaižauskas, D. (2020). The residence plot selection model for family house in Vilnius by neutrosophic WASPAS method. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 24(3), 182-196.
Published in Issue
Apr 1, 2020
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