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The International Journal of Strategic Property Management publishes original interdisciplinary research on strategic management of property. More information ...

Current Issue

Published: 2024-07-25


Housing price, family structures and household consumption: Empirical evidence of Taiwan

Chih-Hsing Hung, Yen-Hung Chen, Chung-Chieh Cheng, Shyh-Weir Tzang
Abstract 227 | PDF Downloads 255 SM Downloads 133

Page 211–222

Elevating property management in public housing: A systematic literature review

Jes She Teo, Ainoriza Mohd Aini, Zafirah Al Sadat Zyed
Abstract 160 | PDF Downloads 176

Page 234–247

Page 248–260

Investors’ rational conformity to government’s excessive behavior in PPP project: Forms and measurement

Jiaqi Liu, Haodong Liu, Zehui Bu, Peifen He, Jicai Liu
Abstract 61 | PDF Downloads 45

Page 261–271