
The impact of the digital economy on urban house prices: Comprehensive explorations

    Shufeng Cong Affiliation
    ; Lee Chin Affiliation
    ; Mohamad Khair Afham Muhamad Senan Affiliation
    ; Yuhong Song Affiliation


Internet technology and data-driven innovations are changing the way people live and work, which could have an impact on real estate supply and demand. Therefore, this study focuses on the relationship between urban digital economy growth and urban house prices. First, the empirical model shows that the digital economy has an inverted U-shaped impact on urban housing prices. The mechanisms underlying this relationship were then examined. The results indicated that fixed asset investment, government expenditure, and the urban environment influence the relationship between digital economy growth and urban house prices. Finally, a heterogeneity analysis revealed that the digital economy does not affect house prices in Tier 1, New Tier 1, and Tier 2 Chinese cities, but increases house prices in Tier 3 cities. In Tier 4 and Tier 5 cities, this relationship was found to be inverted U-shaped. These findings offer valuable insights to policymakers in China in balancing the growth of the digital economy and the stability of house prices.

Keyword : digital economy, housing prices, fixed effect, system GMM, China cities

How to Cite
Cong, S., Chin, L., Muhamad Senan, M. K. A., & Song, Y. (2024). The impact of the digital economy on urban house prices: Comprehensive explorations. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 28(3), 163–176.
Published in Issue
May 21, 2024
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